Your Stories In Song
Thanks go to everyone who has submitted a story. We hope you find inspiration here for your own creative project, be it songwriting, poetry, prose, visual art, dance or drama. Please read our Ts & Cs HERE
Rushlake Green Art Show and Flower Show – 1950 to 2024 One Family’s Involvement
Sent in by Shirley Austin Ivon Austin moved to Hunton’s Farm in 1945 after the war and married...
Leefe Robinson VC
written in our Audience Book at Colindale Barnet Folk Club, July 2024 ”The story of Leefe Robinson...
Liquid Gold
Liquid gold - Claire and Jade’s Song Writing idea Possible Title of song “Liquid Gold” Due to...
The Great Storm of ’87
This story was contributed at our Your Stories In Song event at Pickhams in June 2024. The story...
Significant flights
There is a story in the news today about a man being charged after flying from London to New York...
The Rebel Jack Cade
A rebellion in 1450, led by Jack Cade ("Captain of Kent")marched on London to force the government...
The Mackintosh Rebellion – Eastbourne
In 1929, Eastbourne was pretty much the last seaside resort to incur charges on the beach for...
Margery Polley
Margery Polley of Pembury, martyred at Tonbridge 1557 (Maryan persecutions) Suggested at Tenterden...
Grandfather Clem
My Grandfather, Clem, was an artilleryman in the 1st World War. Haunted by memories of riding a...
Gillingham Disasters
On 11 July 1929 in gillingham kent a fire broke out at a fair killing 15 man and boys...
I was down a grave in Northern France when I heard of Elvis's death. Anon Written in Milton Hide...
Chiddingly Onion Pie Murderer
suggestion from audience member at An Evening with Milton Hide on 13 Sept 2023, part of Hailsham...
Cheese Rolling
Song subject suggestion in Milton Hide audience book: Cheese rolling at Coopers hill. Anon...
Brixham Angels
The story of the Brixham Angels - a storm at sea, fires lit by families on the beach to guide the...
Bonfire Societies
Tradition in East Sussex of bonfire societies holding large marches and firework events around 5th...
Belle Tout
Suggestion for song inspiration Summer Trifle 2023: Coastal erosion, Seaford river moved to...
Milton Hide are singer-songwriters Jim and Josie Tipler.
Their songs are story based and they have been touring the UK with their Audience Book to gather new song inspirations. They are now working on “Your Stories In Song” with the Summer Trifle group, gathering stories in Wealden – a project funded by the National Lottery.
Local legends, characters, landscape features – any story you have to share and that might be immortalised as a story in song is welcome.
Once the songs are written, the duo intend to do a return tour. The hope is that artists, musicians and writers will also create new works based on the stories stored in the archive below.
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