Sent in by Shirley Austin Ivon Austin moved to Hunton’s Farm in 1945 after the war and married Margaret Curtis in 1950. Margaret was an accomplished...
Liquid Gold
Liquid gold - Claire and Jade’s Song Writing idea Possible Title of song “Liquid Gold” Due to extreme weather and disease, a severe blow has been...
The Great Storm of ’87
This story was contributed at our Your Stories In Song event at Pickhams in June 2024. The story inspired a lot of discussion between the audience...
Significant flights
There is a story in the news today about a man being charged after flying from London to New York without ticket or passport. This remnds me of 2...
The Rebel Jack Cade
A rebellion in 1450, led by Jack Cade ("Captain of Kent")marched on London to force the government to reform administration. A precursor to the war...
Grandfather Clem
My Grandfather, Clem, was an artilleryman in the 1st World War. Haunted by memories of riding a gun carriage (horse drawn) over the bodies of men...
Gillingham Disasters
On 11 July 1929 in gillingham kent a fire broke out at a fair killing 15 man and boys (, 15 year later on 6 June...